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Articles & Insights

Retirement Income Planning Thumbnail

Retirement Income Planning

After saving for countless years to build up a sizeable retirement fund, you are left with more questions than when you started. Do you start withdrawing from your RRIF in hopes of reducing your minimum withdrawals? What about your non-registered investments that are generating a possible tax liability each year? There are many different options for withdrawing your retirement income which can be correct depending on several variables.

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Duration calculation: Three-minute macro* Thumbnail

Duration calculation: Three-minute macro*

[Manulife Investment Management] Managing duration risk is important for all portfolios, so we modeled duration risk in equities. We also shed some light on what tech layoffs mean (or don’t mean) for the wider economy. Finally, we explain why the Bank of Canada’s aggressive monetary tightening relative to its peers may not be enough to prevent a recession.

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2023 tax rate card for Canada* Thumbnail

2023 tax rate card for Canada*

[Manulife Investment Management] The latest 2023 tax rate card puts the most up-to-date marginal tax rates and tax brackets by taxable income source, non-refundable tax credits, and much more all in one place. This reference card is designed to help you and your clients with tax planning for the 2023 calendar year.

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2023 Economic Forecast Thumbnail

2023 Economic Forecast

The Economic Club of Canada’s annual panel of economist forecasts event was once again held this January. They highlighted the continued economic risks North America must navigate, namely, inflation, interest rates, recession, commodity prices, geo-political tensions, and housing.

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Are you ready for retirement? Thumbnail

Are you ready for retirement?

It is a well-known fact that we are currently experiencing a high inflationary environment, which puts a higher stress on cash flow needs. How accurate would you be if someone asked what your monthly expenses are?

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Fall Update Thumbnail

Fall Update

As we approach the end of a whirlwind year it is important to continue to look forward to what is on the horizon. Many of the events of the year have come as a surprise to many, along with how long they have lasted.

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